Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Reflection on Unstructured Learning

I think the theme of this passage is one of patience.

Not  every thing is going to come to you right when you need it to.  You have to give things time. Also, don't expect the answer or result to come to you exactly the way you thought it would. Be open to new ideas and new experiences. (The character could have used that advice a bit more, and I could too.)

In an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" (Yeah, I love that show. So what?) Sheldon was trying to come up with an answer to a problem he was having. He knew that concentrating too hard on the one idea for too long would get him nowhere. So, he took up other tasks so that the idea would hopefully work itself out in the back of his mind, and it worked!

That's just what popped into my mind when I read that passage. Don't overwhelm yourself with one task that takes up all your time and stresses you out. Tackle it in small, manageable, time-efficient, parts.


Well... progress is less than it should be. My group and I talked briefly about coming up with some study sessions but nothing really came out of it.

As far as getting more sleep and cutting out caffeine goes, the progress is much better.  I'm getting tons of sleep and haven't touched anything with caffeine in it for days. (That's a really big pat on the back for me as far as I'm concerned... I'm a HUGE caffeine addict) And I've been going to sleep at decent hours! That's unheard of!

Anyway, I need to work more on the actual studying part...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Essay Prompts

1973 An effective literary work does not merely stop or cease; it concludes. In the view of some critics, a work that does not provide the pleasure of significant closure has terminated with an artistic fault. A satisfactory ending is not, however, always conclusive in every sense; significant closure may require to the reader to abide with or adjust to ambiguity and uncertainty. In an essay discuss the end of a novel or play of acknowledged literary merit. Explain precisely how and why the ending appropriately or inappropriately concludes the work. Do not merely summarize the plot.

1975B     Unlike the novelist, the writer of a play does not use his own voice and
only rarely uses a narrator's voice to guide the audience's responses to
character and action.  Select a play you have read and write an essay in
which you explain the techniques the playwright uses to guide his
audience's respnses to the central characters and the action.  You might
consider the effect on the audience of things like setting, the use of
comparable and contrasting characters, and the characters' responses to
each other.  Support your argument with specific references to the play.
Do not give a plot summary.

1976 The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of
the majority is the recurring theme of many novels, plays, and essays.
Select the work of an essayist who is in opposition to his or her society;
or, from a work of recognized literary merit, select a fictional
character who is in opposition to his or her society.  In a critical
essay analyze the conflict and discuss the moral and ethical implications
for both the individual and the society.  Do not summarize the plot or
action of the work you choose.

Monday, April 23, 2012

AP Plan

The best way that I study is in a group. When my friends and I can share ideas and memory tricks, I soak it up like a sponge. Taryn, Jessica, and I have decided to form our usual group to study for the upcoming test. Stupid memory techniques and laughs make studying way more fun and make me want to actually put in the time. The AP tests that were posted are going to help a lot too.

Update: April 24, 2012

Before today in class i hadn't even thought about the effect that diet and sleep have on your test taking abilities. Until the AP test is over I will be cutting down on (if not completely cutting out) caffeine, eating healthier, and going to bed at a decent hour. (Maybe I should start by not waiting until 9:15 to start my homework... oops...) I think I'll start eating breakfast too. Maybe now I'll have some energy in the morning.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Macbeth Lecture Notes

  • Simple play - simple theme (rise and fall of a great man)
  • Macbeth doesn't present himself the way other Shakespearean characters do -Shows us elements of our own lives - good vs evil - Shakespeare's most compelling character - does a 180 in only 5 acts - man w/o a place
  • Macbeth makes his own decisions - never forced or deceived - he creates his own destruction - his death is his own fault
The Murder of Duncan

  • Macbeth can't be happy with what he has - Act 1 Scene 7 25-28
  • he has morals (killing is bad) but kills Duncan anyway - are the witches or his previous thoughts to blame?
  • His imagination is under tension - he's smart enough to see the consequences, but he wants to be king.  - he knows the cost will be high, but it might be worth it. Act 1, Scene 7 48-49
  • Like Hamlet, he's not a hypocrite 
  • He knows that he'll be breaking rules - To kill or not to to kill (See what I did there? :P) He freely chooses to embrace evil because of his willingness to imagine being king.
  • Full of regret and morally confused 
  • Banquo knows that it will compromise his honor - is comfortable with his social status
Lady Macbeth
  • "A bi*ch from the beginning." - Dr. Preston
  • her impulses destroy her - self inflicted punishment - can't stay in denial - thought everything would be okay
  • Agent of evil - keeps Macbeth's destructive thoughts alive in the beginning (Animus)
  • Bullies Macbeth into the murder (It's still his fault, no one forced him. No ambiguity)
  • Eventually feels guilty, has no determination, goes crazy, and has no self control.
King Macbeth
  • Tragic element - Can't rule because he knows that he's betrayed the people - feels he has no worth because of the deception.
  • Takes charge of events that shape his life - he goes at everything 110% even if it's bad.
  • Compelling because he doesn't deny that he's bad
  • Head Strong - being king ended up costing him what made him great - he becomes his own enemy - ends up getting himself killed because of everything he's done

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Top Three

The top three Literature Analysis Remixes

... In no particular order

 Annais Acosta:
 Dania Hatamleh:
 Taryn Kawahara: